Invitation to apply for
Get Digital Marketing Program
a 12-week Accelerator Program
Build your digital marketing plan and campaigns online.
Investment of the program is $4,000+GST or $2,000*+GST
* with 50/50 co-funding RBPN Capability Development Voucher
Apply Here
Course Format & Requirements
Simple and Straightforward
We have synthesized all the information and reading required to provide you with clear direction on what you need to know and do.
We have a new Learning Platform for you to access our lessons and actions week-by-week.
Focus Actions
We only focus on what will make the most impact for your business so you can have the time and money to do the things that truly matter.
Personalised Support
When you get stuck, every 2nd and 4th Thursday or Friday, book a 30min one-on-one guidance from me or one of our digital marketing trainers.
There are no silly questions. You will also get access to my creative, web development and writing team to support your acceleration.
Time and Commitment
You would need to set aside 4- 6 hours a week to read, review and take action. Our training meetings are either booked in on a fortnightly schedule,
in person or online for 2 hours each.
Assessment and support for 1 hour is made on completion of each module.
Accountability Support
Accountability is assessment is crucial as we help you stay focus and on track through this program. Your facilitator support and can help you work through the changes needed online and offer both tactical and creative marketing ideas for delivery.