Register for Turn your website homepage into a sales engine
Homepage Essentials Workshop and online course
Get our ‘9 point checklist to turn your website into a sales conversion engine!
Course Date: 18th September 2018
Location: Online Zoom Video Meeting
Afternoon session LIVE recording: 12 pm to 1.45 pm
Evening small group Q&A : 5.15 pm to 7.00 pm
Get online access to our web course and live workshop
via Zoom Video Meeting
Get access to our workshop recording, web review for your business in a small group format with Question and Answers.
What you will get
Get a ‘9-point checklist to ensure you have the right ingredients on your homepage
✔ Review your website purpose and online business goals.
Live Q&A about digital marketing and development opportunities for your business for registered and paid attendees.
Testimonials from attendees
Attending Revive Me Marketing’s workshop on ‘Turning your homepage into a Sales Engine’ was paramount to the start of my business’s website development. Incredibly helpful and comes highly recommended to anyone who wishes to boost their online profile – which should be everyone 😉
I attended Revive Me Marketing’s workshop on “Turing your homepage into a Sales Engine” and it was amazing. Rosalina helped me see that your homepage can have a massive influence on your customers. She showed me the tips and tricks to make a homepage great for sales!! 🙂
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